Hesed Homes

Hesed Homes are in their second year of operation. Over the past year, we have been able to serve over 30 women in crisis situations. As life moves forward, we have some exciting transitions happening at the Hesed Homes. There have been marriages, an adoption, and other life changes happening to the women living on mission in the Hesed Homes. These life changes have opened new opportunities at Hesed Homes!

We are looking for mission-minded women or couples interested in living and serving in Central East Austin! The Hesed Homes exist to break the cycle of poverty by offering a safe and loving environment to women and children in crisis through radical mercy and Christ-centered relationships. Guests are immediately connected with a strategic local church and a strong support environment. If you are interested in learning more about the Hesed Homes, or interested in applying to live on mission there, please contact Dick Geoffroy at 512-825-7894 or dickg@mpaustin.org. To learn more about the Hesed homes visit: www.mpaustin.org/hesed-homes

Family of Ministries

We are looking for like-minded nonprofits or Christian organizations to join our Family of Ministries. Mission: Possible! Austin works with strategic partners on campus to provided biblical-based services to those in need. Our mission is to break the cycle of poverty one life at a time. Our vision is to see lives changed, communities impacted, and generations transformed. From a Biblical worldview, we provide programs focused on the gospel and education. We believe through the saving grace of Jesus Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit, lives can be transformed. There is a major lack of resources and opportunities for people to break the vicious cycle of poverty. We believe another way to break the cycle of poverty is through education.

Through God’s grace and the generous giving of our donors, we have open office space to offer to like-minded ministries. Becoming a Strategic Partner in our Family of Ministries means you are committed to working with Mission: Possible! Austin and our other partners. For a tour, or more information about becoming a Strategic Partner, contact Dick Geoffroy at 512-825-7894 or dickg@mpaustin.org. Listed below is a current graph of our Family of Ministries:

Family of Ministries